wtorek, 30 czerwca 2009

poniedziałek, 29 czerwca 2009

Bozywerek and its inhabitants

We met very kind family during shooting at Bozywerek, living in a hause adopted from old kindergarten. They invited us into their backyard.
Kindergarten was one of facilities made for workers families.

Thank you Dawid and Bogunia for invitation. We will be happy to visit your neighbourhood again.

And this is Dawid, his wife Bogunia, and 1,5yo Paulinka

Podaj dalej


Wzięłam udział w zabawie "Podaj dalej " na Blogu "Gniazdo sroki"
Postanowiłam podtrzymać zabawę i tak oto ogłaszam konkurs.

Oto zasady:

1. Musisz posiadać własnego bloga.

2. Pierwsze 3 osoby, które zostawią komentarz pod tym postem otrzymają ode mnie mały upominek. Warunkiem jest ogłoszenie takiego konkursu u siebie.

3. Ty organizujesz taką samą zabawę u siebie i dajesz szansę kolejnym 3 osobom na prezent od Ciebie.

4. Każdy blogowicz może uczestniczyć 3 razy w takiej zabawie!

Zapraszam więc ...

niedziela, 28 czerwca 2009


Bozywerek is a name of workers estate in Zabrze-Biskupice. It was built for coal miners and steelworkers in 1863 - 1871. The name comes from german factory owner, August Borsig, it's original german name was Borsigwerk, which was adopted into Polish as Bozywerek.

piątek, 26 czerwca 2009

Gypsy show

Second part of gypsy story from Sunday. Main part of Roma meeting was the show - colorful, vivid, full of dance and music.

środa, 24 czerwca 2009


We just returned from exhibition of Szymon Szczesniak photos "Maroko, Turcja, Egipt" (Morocco, Turkey, Egypt). Exhibition took place in extraordinary location - Old Wire Factory. Now it's place of many cultural events.
Hot photos below.

Evening with Roma people

Gypsies call themselves Roma people. They met on Sunday in city park:

Another one or two gypsy posts will follow soon

poniedziałek, 22 czerwca 2009

Little bit of tram history

Type N - first after-war polish tram, year 1949 (reconstrcuted). Few trams of this type are still in use
Old logo of silesian tram company (currently Tramwaje Śląskie SA, former PKT)
Type N - inside

sobota, 20 czerwca 2009

Tramway afternoon

Visit in tram depot we started at tram stop:

Three generations of silesian trams:

Bird's eye view at city communication:

to be continued...